Welcome to the website of oxford-homeopathy
Steven Cartwright PhD, MARH, R.Hom.
I hope you will find that the material on this site offers a novel and informative approach to homeopathy. It is intended for those contemplating homeopathic treatment for the first time, but it also covers areas such as research, experiments, origins and history which should be of interest to those who are already familiar with homeopathy.
There is no greater priority than one's health and in the event of illness we want the best treatments available. It is my belief that homeopathy offers a radically different approach that is safe, free of side effects, and profoundly healing. The range of conditions and complaints for which homeopathy is beneficial are too numerous to list, but apart from surgical emergencies virtually anything for which one might seek conventional treatment can be treated homeopathically. In some regions of the world such as India and South America many people rely solely on homeopathy for their health care, and there is probably no country that does not have a significant demand for homeopathic treatment. The success of homeopathy is testified to by the tens, if not hundreds, of millions of people worldwide who use it.
It is my intention that this website be educational as well as an opening for those seeking treatment. For others interested in the technical side of homeopathy there are sections on research and proposed experiments to investigate the nature of homeopathic medicines. It is hoped these two sections will contribute towards creating a forum for lively and constructive debate. Anyone wishing to further pursue the ideas presented may contact me through info@oxford-homeopathy.org.uk.